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Studio Policies


•    Method of payment is Cash, Check or Credit/Debit card. Please make all checks payable to Donna’s. There is a $20.00 return check fee. 

•    Payments should be made in advance and will be due by the 10th of each month. For the Piano & Voice Dept., any month that contains 5 weeks will not meet the last week, unless that week is used for make-up classes.

•    Late Payment: A 10% late charge will be assessed if payment is made after the 10th of the month, unless you have previously informed the front desk of any concerns.

•    “Snow Days” will follow the Belton School District…or call the studio for recorded message.

•    Make-up Lesson:  Dance & Drama Dept: Student initiated cancellations may be made up at the instructors discretion.  Class tuition is not to be deducted from your payment if a class is missed.  If the instructor cancels a class, that lesson will be made up.     

Piano & Voice Dept:  Notification of absence should be made at least one week in advance.  In case of illness, contact the studio as soon as possible.  Make-up lessons only as schedule permits when the student cancels. If teacher needs to cancel, the make-up lesson will be arranged.  If the teacher was not called ahead of time of your cancellation, payment without a make-up class is expected.

•    Holidays: No sessions are held on Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas/New Year break, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Memorial Day, & Fourth of July.  There is no reduction in fees for Dance & Drama students because such holidays are covered by periodic fifth sessions occurring in some months, for which no additional fee is charged.


Class Attire


Proper dance attire is required to take class. This helps keep the dancer focused, and mentally engaged. The student’s work harder when they have fewer distractions and it helps the teacher see the students, so they can accurately instruct them.


MONDAY:  Any solid colored leotard with black bootie shorts. No bra tops. Tights optional.


TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY:  Black leotard. Pink, white, or black tights. Black fitted shorts ok.




Appropriate shoes for each class are required (i.e. ballet shoes for ballet, jazz shoes for jazz, etc). Bare feet is only appropriate for contemporary and yoga.


Hair must be securely pulled back and off the neck in a bun or ponytail. A bun is preferred. Please have bobby pins, headbands, extra hair ties in your bag to be prepared


Drama, Voice, and Piano students may wear any type of school or play clothes.  Jazz Funk/Hip-Hop students may wear dance or exercise clothes, tennis or jazz shoes. Yoga attire is athletic clothing. 


Observing The Classes


The studio has a window in each classroom for you to feel free to observe at any time. There are also tv's in the waiting room that have live feed's playing on them from each room. Drama parents are asked not to view weekly classes but are invited and encouraged to attend special demonstrations the class has prepared for you.



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© 2016 Donna's School of Performing Arts

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